Igniting the Passion of Gods people to serve the life of Jesus Christ
Prospect United Methodist share a corporate heritage with all Christians. According to our foundational statement of beliefs in The Book of Discipline, we share the following basic confirmation in common which all Christian societies.
Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
The Bible
The Church
The Lord’s Supper
- We describe God.in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are commonly used to refer to the threefold nature of God.
- We believe that God is sovereign, which is God is the rule of the universe.
- We believe in one God, who created the world and all that is within it.
- We believe that God is all loving. We can experience God’s love and grace for us.
Jesus Christ
- We believe in Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man, in Whom the divine and human natures are perfectly and inseparably united.
- We believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, that we called has Christian's model our life after his.
- We believe Jesus died for our sins, that God raised Him from the dead on the third day and the risen Christ lives today.
The Holy Spirit
- We believe that the Holy Spirit is God with us.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit awakens us to God’s will and empowers us to live in obedient.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit helps to comfort and guide us into a deeper relationship with God.
The Bible
- We believe the Bible is God Word.
- We believe the Holy Bible both the Old Testament and the New Testament. revealing the Word of God so far as it is necessary for our salvation, and are both the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- We believe the Bible is the primary authority of our faith.
The Church
- We believe the church is the body of Christ, and our mission is to make disciple of Jesus Christ.
- We as the church are called to worship God and to support those who participate in the life changing transformation as they grow in faith.
- We believe the communion of saints, made up of our past, present and future disciples of Christ.
- We recognize the two sacraments in which Christ himself participate, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
- Baptism is a symbol of new life and a sign of God’s love and forgiveness of our sins.
- Through our baptism we are joined with the church and other Christians everywhere.
- We can baptize by sprinkling, pouring and immersion.
- A person receive his or her Baptism only once in their life.
The Lord’s Supper
- The Lord’s Supper, symbolizes the body and blood of Christ.
- The Lord’s Supper also known as the Communion or Eucharist and the partaken of the holy meal of bread and wine.
- The Lord’s Supper recalls the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and celebrates the unity of all people of God’s family.
- The Lord’s Supper, welcomes all who love Christ and repent of their sins and seek to live in peace with others.